The Book you Should Read next

I dedicate this quiz to you readers out there, striving to find a good book to occupy your time, and failing so miserably, to achieve your simple, but extremely arduous goal.

But now, there is an answer to your prayers! My quiz is your gateway to a new book, one that will engross from the first page, and keep you turning those pages till the very end. So go ahead, and see what good book my quiz has in store for you.

Created by: Reader of Books

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather, Defeat an alien invasion, Fight a population of zombies as the last living human, Step into a galactic empire, Brave the unknown as the first time traveller, Or witness the history of a zombie takeover?
  2. Do you like horror?
  3. Do you like bug-eyed monsters?
  4. Do you like time travel stories?
  5. Do you like Star Wars?
  6. Do you like Doctor Who?
  7. Do you like Babylon 5?
  8. Do you like The Walking Dead?
  9. Do you like The Walking Dead?
  10. This has no effect on your result. What is the likelihood you will read my suggestions?

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