The Blueberry Incident

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You are a female sophomore in college who goes out for drinks one night, but ends up in a secret scientific facility for some nefarious purpose. The way you react to the things happening to you will determine the outcome of the experience.

I mostly made this for myself, but if anyone else gets any enjoyment out of it, that's great. I like to imagine myself in this kind of scenario all the time. I just hope to god my boyfriend doesn't find this. :(

Created by: ShutUpRachel
  1. What's your weight in pounds?
  2. Do you get sick easily?
  3. It's 11PM and you're sitting at the counter of your favorite bar, drinking alone. You're there because...
  4. Something about your drink tastes funny, but the bartender is nowhere in sight. You start to feel lightheaded. What do you do?
  5. You wake up cold, naked, and nursing the mother of all headaches. You're in a massively spacious warehouse with a glass roof and pristine white tiling on the walls and floor. The scene reminds you of a dentist's office. You look up and see trees towering over the building from every side through the glass. You gather that its daytime and you're far, far away from your university. What do you do?
  6. A tile on the wall slides down to reveal what looks like a pneumatic tube on a gyro pivot, which extends out of the compartment and aims at you. *FWIP* Before you know it, the device has fired a dart into your arm, injecting you with some kind of blue fluid. You pluck it out, and look closely at it. It smells like... fruit? What else do you do?
  7. You notice something happening at the point of injection-- a dark blue pigment is slowly spreading across your skin. In the colored areas, you feel an uncomfortable swelling sensation. Your heart starts to pound out of your chest as the blue color slowly takes over the last unaffected patch of skin on your body.
  8. You don't feel so good. The swelling increases exponentially, bloating up your stomach, thighs, butt, and breasts. You look about 100 pounds fatter. The sensation of flowing liquid inside of you makes you quiver. How do you react?
  9. Something agitates the reaction, and you begin swelling many, many times faster than you already were. Within minutes, your entire lower body is wider than the bumper of a pickup truck. The slope of your belly becomes more and more level as it fills out. You feel like you just drank five bathtubs, as every step you take causes a torrent of jiggling. You look down and realize you're starting to totally round out.
  10. Your torso is almost entirely spherical, but your arms have not been entirely assimilated yet. The feeling of a hot liquid running down your stomach surprises you, and you look down to see that you are lactating juice. What do you do?
  11. You taste blueberries as juice wells up inside your mouth. What do you do?
  12. As your arms and head sink into your taut, juicy body, you have finally become spherical. Despite all the room you have, the complete lack of motion ability in your extremities brings a feeling of intense claustrophobia. Even now, you can still feel yourself growing as the floor seems to get further away. How are you feeling?
  13. To your amazement, several robotic arms emerge from tiles on the floor and ceiling. They carry a massive, spandex, tarp-like garment which a pair of arms slide over your upper body. They push you over on your side and slide a second garment up your lower half, meeting up with the first. They set you back upright as another pair of arms feeds a belt through loops on both the "shirt" and "pants", tightly linking them together.
  14. For a while, you notice security cameras watching you as you continue growing, your belt digging into your increasing girth.
  15. As the machines retract into the walls, a mechanical hand sticks a number tag above your right breast. You look up and realize that it's becoming night time. Not only that, but you can see what looks like the light from hundreds of other buildings just like yours shining into the sky. You have just about stopped growing. What do you hope happens tomorrow?

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