How intelligent are you?

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Ever wondered how intelligent you are? Don't question more! This test will get you covered up with 30 questions to determine how intelligent you really are!

After you're done taking this test, you will be shown how intelligent you are. Please leave a good rating and a comment so I know how good this test is as I put a lot of time and effort into this.

Created by: Romeo4774
  1. What is 1+1?
  2. What is 64 x 64?
  3. What is the square root of 81?
  4. What is 10 to the power 7?
  5. What is 10 to the power of 7 divided by 4?
  6. How many bones does a human have? (adult)
  7. How many bones does a baby have?
  8. What is the function of the kidneys?
  9. What is the liquid part of the blood?
  10. What is the function of adrenaline?
  11. What year did WW2 start in?
  12. What is the deepest point on earth (ocean)
  13. How dense is water?
  14. What is the densest material?
  15. What is the boiling point of water?
  16. What is the fastest thing ever out of these options?
  17. What is inside a light particle?
  18. How long does it take for the earth to rotate once?
  19. What is the measure of energy?
  20. What is the average human lifespan?
  21. What is the average IQ?
  22. What is the largest continent?
  23. What are clouds made of?
  24. What is a large body of water called?
  25. What is the average human running speed?
  26. What is the formula of speed?
  27. What direction does the sun rise from?
  28. What is the freezing point of water?
  29. What does the word "dense" mean?
  30. What is the time at the opposite side of earth?

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Quiz topic: How intelligent am I?

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