The Black Sheep: Does My Family Hate Me? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Black Sheep: Does My Family Hate Me?
Thought I maybe actually have got help here but like all else nowt again I've tried suicide via tablets still woke up aww just forget it sorry to have bothered you
Wakey662 -
my family always allowed my sister to harm me and almost kill me..whenever I was in the hospital when I lived with them, no one bothered to show up let alone check on me..all they ever say about me is "well, s--- happens" but when my sister is in the hospital for something very minor, they expect Earth to stop. When I got my GED all they said was, oh ok cool, but my whore of a sister gets a new boyfriend (which is every couple of months) they throw a dinner celebration. They never ever cared and it hurts
I am so sorry to hear.
I'm not a black sheep. I'm a white sheep. My family makes fun if me for having lighter skin than them
Narcissistic Love: Not a healthy relationship, I mostly figured it that sense my parents only care about themselves usually and wut benefits them the most instead of me usually.
im 77% my family hates me my am menially abused and l suicidal
Nothing like some good old unhealthy love from my parents. It honestly was better before my brother moved out, but hey, here I am. Right...?
I never thought I was a black sheep as a matter a fact I knew all along
Narcissistic love 86% and tough love 86%
172% a pain in the neck! VERY cool! -
.......I got 100%.
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