The Birth and Early Life of Jesus

The Life of Jesus was very important, he did many magnificent things throughout his ministry on Earth. Though it was short in length that does not mean it was unimportant

Do you know all about the birth as well as the early life of Jesus? Are you a true Bible Historian or do you know nothing, take this quiz and find out!

Created by: john
  1. To who was the book Luke written to?
  2. What was taken from Zechariah when he did not believe the priest?
  3. Who was King of Judea during the priesthood of Zechariah?
  4. What was Zecariah doing when the angel appeared to him?
  5. What name did Elizabeth's neighbors wish to name her child?
  6. To what city did Joseph take Mary for the census?
  7. What did 12 year old Jesus call the Temple?
  8. What did people believe John was?
  9. Why did Herod imprison John?
  10. What did John the Baptist eat?
  11. How many women are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus?
  12. What is the meaning of the name Jesus?
  13. The title "Christ" comes from what language?
  14. The Magi are traditionally called what?
  15. In what way are the Magi warned not to return to Herod?
  16. Jesus was taken to what country to escape Herod?
  17. Who prepared the way for Jesus?
  18. Where did John preach?
  19. What river did John perform baptisms in?
  20. The spirit of God descended upon Jesus like what?

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