The big science test.

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You need to learn facts about autistic kids for the big science quiz and see how well do you know this science quiz for the ultimate challenge of those facts.

This quiz is all about food, autistic kids, and, animals and they can help you know what to do with autistic kids and study all their facts for science with me, Jeremy Ciro Carcaterra… good luck…

Created by: Jeremy C.
  1. What is the only way to calm down autistic kids?
  2. Why can’t people cannot always stay happy all the time?
  3. Where does cheese come from?
  4. Which one will not make an autistic kid calm down instantly?
  5. What animal do autistic kids behave like?
  6. What will cause autistic kids to get angry?
  7. What makes autistic kids angry?
  8. Which food can make autistic kids calm down easily?
  9. Which food is the number 1 most popular choice for autistic kids to calm down easily?
  10. Last question… what Disney movie best fits this topic?

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