The Big Bang Theroy quiz

They are many fans of the big bang theory but are you a true fan talk my quiz and let's see if you get good or bad marks it doesn't mean that your not a fan

They are many fans of the big bang theory but are you a true fan talk my quiz and let's see if you get good or bad marks it doesn't mean that your not a fan so please rate and comment but don't give up if your quiz mark is bad try it again what an awesome comment

Created by: The awesome Dude
  1. What is Howard's girlfriends name?
  2. Does Sheldon hate Trains,Buses and airplane
  3. What is Sheldon's favorite. Super hero
  4. Hi
  5. Soon
  6. what does Sheldon call Howard?
  7. What is Howard's Favorite Hobbies
  8. No effect
  9. Coool
  10. What is the first letter of my name

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