the bieber fever quiz

There are few geniuses and there are many smart people What is a genius? a genius is someone who has an extraordinarilly clever mindand is able to solve alot of problems!

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to solve problems?In just a few moments you will find out ok.Again you will wonder so think it out and dont get mad

Created by: Jaymai Rockow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color hair does justin bieber have?
  2. How many dogs does jb have?
  3. What is his middle name?
  4. Who did justin bieber sing "baby" with?
  5. What is the phrase for if you love Justin Bieber
  6. What year is justin born in?
  7. What is justin bieber's favorite food?
  8. What is justins favorite candy?
  9. How many siblings does justin have?
  10. What kind of underwear does justin wear?????

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