The Best Quiz: Do You Know Horses?

You may think you know horses. But do you really? The rest of the quizzes on here are schiesse, so I made a (hopefully) better one. Blah blah blah(150 sorry)

Are you ready to find out? Coolio! Good luck! I love horses! Horses are great! They're beautiful! Everyone loves draft horses! I wish I could drive a cart.. (thing needed 150)

Created by: Me
  1. Do you think you love horses?
  2. What is your favourite colour (out of the given)?
  3. What is your favourite pattern/marking (of the given)?
  4. If your horse has colic, what do you do?
  5. If your horse has Laminitis?
  6. Would you cover your mare? (Get her pregnant)
  7. How many horses do you have?
  8. How well can you ride?
  9. How well can you handle horses on the ground? (Leading, etc)
  10. Can you drive horses?
  11. What is your favourite?
  12. Did you like this?

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Quiz topic: The Best Quiz: do I Know Horses?