The best girl name quiz

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You want a perfect name that suits you? This quiz is the one for you! Answer all questions correctly, and get something simmalar to you! NOTE: THESE MAY BE INACURATE!!

Don't take offense to your result please! I was just doing this for fun so if i offended you, sorry. Please enjoy the quiz whoever is reading this. Thanks!

Created by: Holly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you independent or dependent?
  2. are you smart?
  3. do you tend to lead a group?
  4. are you popular?
  5. what word describes you?
  6. dress or jeans?
  7. choose one
  8. what would you say?
  9. what name is your fave?
  10. This have no effect.

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