The best Disney Trivia quiz

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Welcome to the best Disney trivia! this is about the history of Disney which is really fun. we are mostly doing Disney princesses which are my favorite!!!

Disney will buzz and blow dandelion fuzz. Not really! Good luck with the quiz! But if you are anything like me, you will not need luck and do just fine.

Created by: Lilac
  1. What year did Walt Disney start his career?
  2. How many princesses are there?
  3. Who was crowned the 13th Disney princess?
  4. What was Cinderella's original story name?
  5. Is Maribel a Disney princess
  6. Who is the youngest princess?
  7. What is Rapunzel's mom's name?
  8. What is the worst disney movie?
  9. Which frozen theories are wrong?
  10. Finally, how old is Mary poppins?

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