The Barbie Quiz!

I was I made this quiz! I made it to tell you how much you are like Barbie!!!!!!! So.... it kinda tells you if you are girl-girl too!

So....... how much are you and Barbie alike?????!!!!!! All YOU have to d is tae this quiz! (warning : it is a fairly long quiz, so it'll tak you a while!) HAve fun! And leave your results in the comments please! Thanks so much so taking my qiz! :)

Created by: Jennifer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you own a hair curler?
  2. Is it pink?
  3. Do you wear make-up more than 3 times a week?
  4. Do you have/had a pink car?
  5. Do you have/had a pink camera?
  6. Do you have a mirror in your room?
  7. Do you own a hair dryer?
  8. Is your room pink?
  9. Do you have blondish hair?
  10. Do you have blue eyes?
  11. Do you own more than 4 pairs of shoes or sandals?
  12. Do you have 1 or more pink pillows?
  13. Do your friends call you dumb or stupid in a joking way?
  14. Do you straigten your hair almost everday?
  15. Do you dye your hair?
  16. Do you have/had highlights?
  17. Have you had a pink phone?
  18. Do you have your own bathroom?
  19. Do you look in a mirror more than 5 times a day?
  20. Do you have/had pink lip gloss?
  21. Do you have your own room?
  22. Do you have a cell phone?
  23. Is it pink?
  24. Do you have a computer in your room?
  25. Do you have a tv in your room?
  26. Do you have an ipod or mp3 player?
  27. Do you own 3+ pink shirts?
  28. Do you have a younger sister?
  29. If so, is her name Kelly? (lol)
  30. Do you have a boyfriend?
  31. Is his name Ken? (xD)

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