The Bahamas test (ROFLOL)

Make sure you don't go into the test hungry. Hunger can interfere with your concentration, and so can the noise of a rumbling stomach. Don't create an unnecessary and unfortunate distraction

Take time to evaluate the test, in order to determine how much time you should spend on each section. For instance, if you find a multiple choice section followed by two large essay questions, be sure to give yourself enough time for the essays. Assign a time limit to each section. You can always go back if you finish early.

Created by: Tyler
  1. What type of Government do the Bahamas Got?
  2. What is the bahamas population
  3. What is the countries capital?
  4. Whats the country im doin?
  5. What's this project about?
  6. Why are we doin this project?
  7. How is My country spelled?
  8. What do Governments have to do with us?
  9. What's the bahamas transportation?
  10. How was my Project?

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