The Awesome Quiz

our quiz is our awesome wil take and you will like it. if you will die =D, if not, you're AWESOME!! the stupis ppl that are making me write all of thgis crap, are defietely NOT AWESOME!!! i mean, why does this thing have to be 150 words?!?! this is soo gay!!

are you awesome? take this quiz and find out? kayla...why did we decide to make this stupid...[i mean...AWESOME] quizzy? 150 words my ass!!!

Created by: billy
  1. do you like arizona tea?
  2. do you have a friend that youn think has bipolar, but your afraid to tell them?
  3. snowboarding or skiing?
  4. if you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  5. what's your favorite store?
  6. what do you feel most comfortable wearing?
  7. what do you do in your spare time?
  8. what kind of music do you listen to?
  9. whats your favorite sport?
  10. why are you taking this random quiz?

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