The awesome fruit quiz

Ok you are taking the random quiz listen carfuly ok you need to chosie the best answer you think is correct it will not ever be worng because it is what you think not what they think.

Are you AWESOME well lets see go take this quiz and you wil see first answer these 12 questions then go sumit the answers you have chosen ok got it good go take the quiz now.....

Created by: Kierston
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok do you like apples?
  2. Ok the quiz is over!
  3. I love kiwi do you?
  4. What kind of stuff do you like to eat in spare time??
  5. What type of foods do you like?
  6. Do you like pickles??
  7. Have you ever slipped on a bananna peel?
  8. What you doing!
  9. Are you awesome??
  10. Are you hungry??

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