The Astronomy Quiz

There are many astronomers, but few true cosmologists. You could be one! Just play this quiz!!! Bye! look up Jose Pecina Usina to find fun facts! One more bye!

There are many astronomers, but few true cosmologists. You could be one! Just play this quiz!!! Bye! look up Jose Pecina Usina to find fun facts! One more bye!

Created by: Victor
  1. Welcome! I am Mercury, first question: Which galaxy is real?
  2. Moving on, the asteroid belt is between the orbit of... and ... .
  3. A mars sized object hit earth, forming the moon. So, the moon was a part of earth.
  4. Which is a moon? Don't think you can just look for titan!
  5. What did people think earth was? Ancient peeps just randomly create a theory...
  6. I am Jupiter, how many rings do I have?
  7. What is the great red spot on Me?
  8. Without Jupiter, what shall happen? Jupiter brags: see, I'm pretty important...
  9. Pluto was a dwarf planet since................. .
  10. Well, last question until we're done done orbiting the Sun, there's a theory that the universe is a hologram and we're all simulated by someone or something!

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