The Assassin Test

The assassin test sees if your a templer or an assassin. To join the brother hood you have to win come on take the test and get on the roof top become an assassin.

Are U a assassin? If you are see if you can get 100% and become a master assassin and beat ezio altiar and conner and destroy templers be atrue assassin?

Created by: ezio
  1. What do the assassins use to silently kill templers?
  2. Who is the best assassin in 1502?
  3. Who is the assassin's enemy?
  4. Who can control the apple?
  5. Who is the modern assassin in 1 2 brother hood revaluation and 3?
  6. Who is the head of templers?
  7. Who kill's Vidic?
  8. Who is subject 16?
  9. How many games is there (main not spin offs)?
  10. (last) How was ezio before he was a assassin.

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