The are you fat quiz | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The are you fat quiz.

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  • Are you a fat teenager?
    Your Result: Obese

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter.

    49% Chunky/Overweight
    13% Chubby/Curvy
    0% Normal
    0% Skinny

    The first time
  • The are you fat quiz
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 91%

    This is the largest you can be. You are at a serious risk of heart attack or other health issue. You have probably broken some chairs before or spent all the money in your purse on fast food. Lose 70+ pounds.

    90% Obese
    76% Overweight
    60% Fat
    17% Chubby
    3% A little pudgy

  • The are you fat quiz
    Your Result: Obese 94%

    You have probably been to the doctors before about your weight. It is way beyond the normal range. I you gain more than you'll be in the hospital. Lose 30-70 pounds.

    93% Morbidly Obese
    76% Overweight
    50% Fat
    22% Chubby
    8% A little pudgy
    0% Athletic
    0% Average
    0% Underweight
    0% Skinny

    The first time
  • Result: Morbidly Obese 91%

    This is the largest you can be. You are at a serious risk of heart attack or other health issue. You have probably broken some chairs before or spent all the money in your purse on fast food. Lose 70+ pounds

    The first time
  • you fat quiz
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 91%

    This is the largest you can be. You are at a serious risk of heart attack or other health issue. You have probably broken some chairs before or spent all the money in your purse on fast food. Lose 70+ pounds

  • you fat quiz
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 91%

    This is the largest you can be. You are at a serious risk of heart attack or other health issue. You have probably broken some chairs before or spent all the money in your purse on fast food. Lose 70+ pounds

  • Result: Obese 97%

    You have probably been to the doctors before about your weight. It is way beyond the normal range. I you gain more than you'll be in the hospital. Lose 30-70 pounds.

    95% Morbidly Obese


    Lil hihi
  • 100% obese!! I love being a fatty

    Dreaming bug
  • A little pudgy .... *disappointed*

  • Fat? That's harsh


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