The, "am i cool quiz?"

are you cool? or not? come see. I'm serious. You never know how cool you are untill you take the quiz. You won't be sorry, so go ahead... take it. Do you know this one?: up high, down low, in the middle, too slow! haha.

Take the quiz to find out your coolness level! it took me like 2.5 hours to make this, so please! please take it!i don't appreciate the minimum writing rule guy. it sucks. extremely bad.

Created by: Vivvi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you get home from school, what do you do?
  2. gfbfdgghdh
  3. hjgjhgjhgjkhgjhguyhgkjh
  4. kjghjhg
  5. jkhjhgujhgjhggjhgj
  6. hhhhhhhhhh
  7. jhsgjhsgfjsdgfsjkahf
  8. hear hear!11
  9. kjhjhkjhjhkjh
  10. q

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