the adventures based on nothing part three:

this is number THREE! if you haven't read one or two dont read this, ok? pls? stop reading now ok?ok your not doing it.... so anyone who is looking must comment on this or at least rate it!

thank you! wait... why r u still here? go away! hasta lavista! ADIOS! bonjour! (wait I think thats hello....idk) anyway umm...byyeeeee! (as in, now?!) !

Created by: peace love and pie
  1. so, you get to virginia. you are all happy to finally get out from that hot, stuffy, train. you relies (gasp) that you have no idea where the spring is. Then Isabel speaks up. "I think I know how to figure it out...give me some privacy"
  2. you find her a ally where she can be alone. she sais it will take five minutes at least. probably more. you decide to take a walk. seven minutes later Isabel comes and starts leading you...somwere
  3. you are led past sky scrapers and through ally ways until you finally get there. "how did you..." you ask. Isabel shakes her head.
  4. so you take a contaner that luke brought and you fill it up halfway with water. then you go on. you decide to stop for dinner. you order a simple burger.
  5. you get more tickets and bord the next train. your headed to las vegas! when you get there though, its not so easy as before. you need to find a oak tree. where can you find an oak tree in vagas? you ask a tour guide you see, and you think your headed in the wrong direction when a monster that sorta resembles a wolf, with its sharp claws and fangs
  6. you all pull out your weapons, you having a bow and arrow. you attack the monster. but things dont really go smoothly.
  7. the monster obviously has to breath fire. while everyone is dodging its claws and fire breath, you decide to fight fire with fire. that is, summon fire. but instead of fire it comes out ice. whaaat? so you decide to work with it. you concentrate, willing it to take the shape of a shield. and it does!
  8. you charge into battle, firing (gettit? FIREing) arrows and dodging attackes.
  9. cliffhanger!!!
  10. one more question: do you exist?

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