the adventure based on nothing part one

your name is sarah you think ur a normal dont know how wrong you are! you have black hair and green eyes and your awesome if your a boy just roll with it.

ok so you live in america united states ok? and you are thirteen and you have a pet dog macaroni and your favorite food is sushi and your favorite color is teal.

Created by: peace love and pie
  1. you are walking home from the dreaded invention called school and you see a creepy monster. but your friend does not see it you:
  2. you cant walk past it so you are forced to tell your friend to go without you and suddenly the monster takes a blow at you but it misses
  3. suddenly a boy comes out of the shadows and dodging all the monsters blows he shoots a thing from a gun hes holding. he introduces himself as luke and sais the gun freeses the monster (it did)
  4. the boy tells you that you r a special kid. "like mental?" you say. luke laughes "no only special pple can see that monster...your MAGIC"
  5. he proves it by reminding you of some...weird things you did . you had never thought about them...
  6. luke takes you to a special school where you try to learn to find your power and use it. you are in a gang with luke chase isabel ivy and violet.
  7. one day you chase and luke where walking and you hear ivy scream. you and the boys rush past and find ivy standing next to a shadowy creature.
  8. the shadowy monster starts to drain ivy's life force suddenly you feel a burst of rage and without thinking you shoot a bolt of fire and kill the creture
  9. "wow...Sarah i didnt know you could do that!" chase sais in wonder " neither" you reply. suddenly you see somethings wrong with ivy!
  10. ooooh cliff hanger!

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