the 2010 soccer world cup

You have got to my 2nd quiz. You maybe cute or scary. You might seem to be a soccer player like Wayne Rooney,David Beckham,Lionel Messi, Clint Dempsey or John Terry. Do you know who is going to host the world cup in 2014,2018 and 2022?

You Could do if you're at school going on the laptops doing your work. Stop! and go on the quiz I have done.If you think you know. Do you or don't you. Let me check your answers are correct. Are you 0% or 100%. Lets find out. Play play play!

Created by: mattie

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  1. which group were the USA in ?
  2. you can get more Right what was the score for argentina v nigeria?
  3. Why did Robert Green make a mastake ?
  4. Your friends asked this to me who was the top scorer?
  5. Which best player was number is 23 for fulham and 8 for the USA?
  6. Which spanish team did Lionel Messi play for?
  7. 5 questions to go! How many goals has Wayne Rooney scored in the world cup?
  8. only 4 questions to go or more was John Terry number 6 in the world cup?
  9. only 3 more questions to go! Which country in the world cup is hosting in 2014
  10. only 2 more questions to go Which two countries who are not in the world cup are hosting in 2018 and 2022

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