Thanksgiving History Quiz

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and food. It's about reconnecting with your loved ones, sharing stories, continuing traditions and reflecting on everything we have to be grateful for.

As one of America's most unique holidays, it is steeped in legend, both factual and fictitious. Take this quick quiz to see how well you know the history of Thanksgiving!

Created by: Old Jail of
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  1. George Washington proposed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789. Who is said to have thought this was "the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard?"
  2. Which U.S. President temporarily moved Thanksgiving to the 3rd Thursday in November?
  3. In 1942, 3,500 U.S. troops gathered where to celebrate Thanksgiving by singing "America the Beautiful" and "The Star-Spangled Banner?"
  4. Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday in November as a National day of Thanksgiving in what year?
  5. Sarah Hale campaigned to make Thanksgiving a national holiday throughout the 19th Century. Hale is also the author of what nursery rhyme?
  6. When did Congress make Thanksgiving a National Holiday?
  7. What department store hosted the first Thanksgiving Day parade?
  8. Which U.S. territory celebrates October 19th as Hurricane Thanksgiving Day if the territory has not suffered any hurricanes during the year?
  9. Black Friday has been a tradition since when?
  10. Every year since 1975, "Unthanksgiving Day" has been held as a commemoration of the survival of Native Americans following the arrival and settlement of Europeans in the Americas. Where is "Unthanksgiving Day" held?

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