
My quiz is good. It is about people and what they do. You will definitely like things when you take this quiz.Some people only put one right answer among the possible answers, and that's fine, but the GoToQuiz system lets you give partial credit on some answers. You can put a few answers in there that are half-right. Also, many people try to be witty and humorous with some of the answers, and that creates a more fun quiz. Those kinds of extra touches make a good quiz great.

The eight primates evaluated for energy consumption during climbing and walking were the slender loris (Loris tardigradus), fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), pygmy slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus), Bolivian squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensus) and mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz). The squirrel monkey studies were done at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, and the others at the Duke University Lemur Center.

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you stupid
  2. Where are you going
  3. Gary, what are you doing?
  4. help me I'm drowning
  5. hey baby whats up
  6. Where do babies come from
  7. the rain in Spain falls mainly on the...
  8. Hey you crap face!
  9. Where are you
  10. What?

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