Test Your Shiney Community Knowledge

Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO.

Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO. Enjoy another quiz for TSO!

Created by: AngryD

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the food item Duchess always offers other Shineys when good stuff happens?
  2. What Shiney is lampooned in witty comics always as a ten doller hooker dressed as a french maid?
  3. Who is the only person ever to be perma banned from the TSO forums, faction, and irc channel?
  4. In the TSO irc channel there is one op who was never a Shiney leader, and well known for bad punning? Who is it?
  5. What alternate name does AngryD use to annoy faction members when he is in a bad mood?
  6. What other browser game do several Shineys play and always talk about that dazed complains about daily despite never finishing the tutorial and Zenkatydid hates despite never playing?
  7. What country does convider live in?
  8. What tactic of NW play was developed by Shineys in the summer of 2006, and spread so far it required coding by Jorm to stop it?
  9. Which disgruntled member of the TSO family quit to go form the Hellfire Club?
  10. Private Roland once stated his haircut made him look like a what?
  11. What band is Gothy really really really really into?
  12. In the TSO name game contest Juthrum gave the hint to his name as being "I was named after a famous Russian saint". Which saint was it?
  13. Which TSO member joined the faction after playing Lusternia with Rentar for ages?
  14. Which member of the faction is famous for losing the faction 15 honour by accident on a raid, never able to live it down?
  15. What does Rakk normally name his characters hellhounds after?
  16. Bigman used to terrorize Avenrir by doing what?
  17. Which faction in NW does TSO share the most roots with, but has grown apart from the most?
  18. Which famous Shiney is well known for his skills of debate and arguement on the NW forums and all irc channels. To the point that he is the TSO public relations pitbull?
  19. What state in the United States does dazed live?
  20. Final Question: What did the Shineys warn Alphy would happen while he worked in a camp this summer in the states?

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Quiz topic: Test my Shiney Community Knowledge