Test your mental ability

There many geniuses, here all the questions are of geography. This quiz is too hard to answer since it is of geography. Some of you may get 100 but it is not easy.

Quizz rule- be serious since it is hard tick on the right answer bla bla bla hope you get 100 or good marks. Good luck! Btw don't forget to comment and give stars..

Created by: Jeeshan

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  1. The Prime Meridian is near -
  2. The amount of water vapour in the air is called-
  3. Global warming occurs due to increase in-
  4. The staple food of the people of Democratic Republic of Congo is-
  5. Petroleum is also called
  6. The Panama Canal joins the-
  7. How many minuted does it take for earth to pass throught 10 longitude?
  8. The axis of the earth is inclined at an angle of -
  9. Evergreen forests are found in areas that have
  10. The zone between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricon is called the-

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Quiz topic: Test my mental ability