Test Your Food Safety Knowledge

How much do you know about preparing, cooking and serving safe food? Are you keeping bacteria at bay? Every year, 76 million people in the United States can attest to the importance of food safety.

Take this quiz to discover how much you know about keeping your family safe from food-borne illness. A score of 85% or better indicates that you are well on your way to preparing, cooking and serving safe food.

Created by: Sue Raymond

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  1. What is the minimum internal temperature for chicken?
  2. What is the minimum internal temperature for a beef roast?
  3. What is the minimum internal temperature for ground beef?
  4. When cold food will be held without temperature control, for how many hours maximum can it be held?
  5. When hot food will be held without temperature control, for how many hours maximum can it be held?
  6. For how long should you scrub your hands during hand washing?
  7. The temperature danger zone is:
  8. If an egg is placed in water and it floats, you should:
  9. A properly calibrated thermometer will read ___ degrees F. when placed in ice water.
  10. In order for food in the refrigerator to maintain a 41 degree temperature, the air temperature of the refrigerator should be:
  11. From the top to bottom shelf in the refrigerator, which of the following are stored correctly?
  12. Minimally, how far off the floor should food be stored?
  13. Which of the following is a safe method for thawing frozen food?
  14. If you only have one cutting board, you should:
  15. When handling ice, you should:
  16. Food dropped on the floor is OK to eat:
  17. The proper way to handle food is:
  18. Which of the following may be re-served?
  19. Which of the following is sited by the FDA as being one of the leading causes of food-borne illness?
  20. Of all of the components of FATTOM, over which two do we have the most control?

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Quiz topic: Test my Food Safety Knowledge