Test your FIFA overall

This quiz tells you what your overall rating would be if you were in FIFA. If it’s not that high, don’t be sad. Football is about fun. Not about who’s the best.

This quiz tells you what your overall rating would be if you were in FC. If you play football and wonder about your FC Overall rating, then take this test. We wish you good luck.

Created by: Zhiko Piko
  1. How good is your passing
  2. How good is your ball control
  3. How good are you at shooting
  4. How good are you at Tackling
  5. How good are you at intercepting the ball
  6. How often do you play
  7. Is winning important to you
  8. How old are you
  9. What’s your weight
  10. What team do you support (Random question)

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Quiz topic: Test my FIFA overall
