Test your brain IQ

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Test how smart you are. Girls are actually smarter than boys so if you are female you are smarter yay! If you are male you aren’t dumb but not as smart as girls

How smart are you test. girls are more successful and smarter than boys so go ahead and try it now simple IQ kids are smarter than adults in certain problems

Created by: Hi
  1. What gender are you
  2. what is 1000+20x3
  3. Do you speak any other languages
  4. If you are still in school what grade are you in
  5. How often do you play video games
  6. What is 200,000 ➗10
  7. When when you were or are in school and you tested what grade did you get a lot
  8. 10 fish are in a tank 3 of them drowned and two more swam away how many more are left
  9. 4,800➗60=
  10. 36➗5-35=7 what is the remainder

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Quiz topic: Test my brain IQ
