test to see if you're smart or not

here's the deal. you have to answer questions, mostly math, into half the quiz there is a game question, and at the end, there is a population question.

you are going to get ranked at the end of the quiz. there are the ranks smartest, smarter, smart, unintelligent, stupid, and most stupid. these ranks were random, as i am too.

Created by: Michael Beauclair
  1. 89 to the power of 92
  2. 34+(92x5)-7645
  3. 5462x10-9467
  4. 2+2
  5. what were the hottest games in 2019?
  6. 9834-786
  7. 68866 divided by 2
  8. 673641+5674245
  9. 984253-786
  10. how much population is there on earth?

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