TBH rate: bms lol I'm just being honest

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There are many good people in this world.There are also smart and beautiful people to and if u don't know wat u really is u can just come on and take this test.

Are u who u say u are? Do u have the guts to actually take this quiz? Until now you could only wonder? But thanks to this great quiz,in just a few minutes u will find out.

Created by: Zianna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If u have a date where will u take them?
  2. Where will u rather go if u hanging with friends on a Saturday?
  3. How silly are u?
  4. Be honest. What do most people rate u 1-10
  5. What do people say when u come up to them and give them a hug?
  6. What will u rather wear if u going swimming?
  7. What will u rather do on a Friday?
  8. Where will u go on vacation?
  9. Where will u take your family?
  10. Who house would u rather stay at?

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