Tag: Scrubs
- Scrubs Trivia Test
- Nov 2, '10
- by Ben Wright
If you love Scrubs this is for you. But be warned, you won't be asked 'the name of the main character.' This is a difficult…
- So You Think U Know Scrubs?
- Mar 25, '07
- by Leon Jay
This is a quick quiz about a quick witted Television show you might have heard of that goes by the name of Scrubs. One of my…
- Are you a Scrubs fan?
- Feb 15, '07
- by Sarah
Many TV shows grace our living rooms each night, and they have the reputation for being fickle and short-lived. Not many stick…
- What Scrubs character are you?
- Apr 15, '08
- by Jordan Austerberry
There are many Scrubs fans, but few are true Scrubs nuts. An uberfan is, after all, quite exceptional (to their mothers). An…
- What Scrubs character are you?
- Nov 29, '08
- by Eden Gaity
Scrubs is my favorite show. You must like it to or you wouldn't take my quiz.I didn't like the other quizzes I took so I made…
- You Think You Know Scrubs?
- Feb 6, '07
- by Maya
Scrubs is one of the few awesome shows on television. Do you watch it? If so, why not test your smarts and see how much you…
- Ultimate Scrubs Test
- Oct 25, '07
- by Alex
There are many many people who watch scrubs but only a few are true masters. In this test you can prove just how scrubs smart…
- Which Scrubs Character Are You?
- Jun 2, '09
- by Bambi
Scrubs is an awesome TV show with awesome characters; which one will you be? J.D., Turk, Carla, Dr. Cox, Jordon or Elliot? You…
- How well do you know Scrubs?
- Dec 2, '09
- by kindle
In this world there are two kinds of people, Scrub fans, and those other people. Find out how much you know about Scrubs, and…
- How well do you know Scrubs?
- Aug 9, '09
- by Bubblegum7
This is a very difficult quiz about the television show 'Scrubs'. Only a 'Scrubs' genius can do well in this quiz! A 'Scrubs'…
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