Tag: Optimism
- How optimistic are you -- part II Pervasiveness
- May 10, '07
- by Dor
How optimistic are you? This test would be able to offer you a chance to reflect on this question. The questions would try to…
- How optimistic are you -- part 1 permanence
- May 9, '07
- by Dor Dor
How optimistic are you? This test would be able to offer you a chance to reflect on this question. The questions would try to…
- Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
- Jun 23, '10
- by Amariah
Are you an optimist, pessimist, or realist? Do you see the glass as half full, or half empty? Or, do you even see the glass?…
- How Positive Are You?
- Aug 24, '12
- by Fire_Fairy
Positive people are normally happy people. It is nice to be a positive person. Negativity is sometimes seen as bad, but you are…
- Are You an Optimist, Pessimist or Realist?
- Dec 13, '12
- by vulturemonem
Optimists, pessimists and realists. Optimists always think the best. Pessimists always think the worst. Realists always think…
- Is Your Glass Full Or Empty?
- May 16, '07
- by Lindsay
You know what they say... an optimist sees a glass of water filled to the middle and sees it as half-full, but a pessimist sees…
- Who are you, really?
- May 12, '18
- by Silverspring324
What do you think of when I ask "who are you"? Your name? Your age? Your gender? Your personality? This quiz will not determine…
- Are You an Optimist or Pessimist?
- Jul 13, '12
- by Fallout3
There are many people in this world, and we all have different outlooks on things. Some of us look at the positive things,…
- Are you a optimist or a pessimist?
- Mar 19, '09
- by Nighteyes
There are billions and billions of people in this world.Every single person is different than the other in some way.Some are…
- Smiley or Frowny Face
- Jul 7, '08
- by Chloe
Are you an optimistic or a pessimistic? If you are an optimist you will see the silver lining in every one of these possible,…
- Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
- Oct 8, '16
- by click_here_NOW
Everyone expects life to turn out differently. Some expect the worst, some expect the best. And not many people have ever…
- Are you positive or negative?
- Aug 20, '12
- by Cloudsofpie
People either live life positively or negatively. Positive people can see the good in others, and in any situation. They don't…
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