Tag: Islam
- Test Your Islamic Knowledge!
- Mar 8, '07
- by Fares
Test how much you know about Islam. This is an introductory Islam quiz. If you are a Muslim, many of these are fundamental…
- Introduction to Islam
- Mar 8, '07
- by Fares Al Fatman
Test how much you know about Islam. This is an introductory Islam quiz. If you are a Muslim, many of these are fundamental…
- Test Your Knowledge of Islam
- Jul 22, '08
- by Abdihamid
There are many smart people. People across the world against you. Think about it, how much more do they know? Maybe your…
- What a Muslim Are You?
- Jan 15, '07
- by american muslim
There are many people in the U.S. that knows little about Islam. Some people have heard about the religion but have no ways to…
- How Muslim Are You
- Apr 28, '07
- by yasmin
Are you serious about your deen or take it for granted? This quiz is all about discovering just where exactly you are when it…
- Which of the 4 Perfect Women?
- Jan 26, '08
- by Tabia
And their Lord has accepted of them and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he/she male…
- How Much Islam Do You Know?
- Jun 7, '07
- by Humza Chowdhry
So Islam is soon to become the fastest growing religion in the world, yet many people are ignorant.. How come? Well try to take…
- How Well Do You Know Islam?
- Apr 21, '14
- by XxMEMExX
There are a lot of people who claim they know about Islam so take this test to proof how much you know about Islam And this…
- How well do you know Allah?
- Apr 23, '17
- by Maryam
There are a lot of smart people in this world. Some of them are called a genius. A person isn't a genius if they do not…
- Are You a True Muslim or Just Talk?
- Jul 31, '12
- by akpower
Are u a true muslim or just talk? Find out in this simple quiz which will only take a few minutes. Any comments, feel free to…
- Will you go to Jannat or Jahannam?
- Feb 24, '15
- by Syed Kashif Ahmad
Although Allah only knows our ultimate destiny of the hereafter but let us estimate and improve ourselves as to where we…
- Are you a Muslim?
- Apr 21, '07
- by Casey
A muslim is a true believer in god. Worshiping the true god is a divine supplication. Showing your great love and compassion…
- Islamic Trivia Quiz
- Dec 25, '07
- by amazon
There are many people that know about islam, but few are true Islamic geniuses. Islamic geniuses know of the Quran, it's…
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