Tag: Guitars
- How good are you at guitar?
- Jun 2, '08
- by Bono Bandage
Are YOU amazing at guitar? Does your finger dexterity allow you yo play Flight of the Bumblebee? Are you knowledgeable in your…
- The Ultimate Guitar Quiz
- Mar 11, '08
- by Lino
There are many many many guitar players, or wannabe guitar players out there. What do you know about guitars? Do you know the…
- Which Guitar God Are You?
- Dec 8, '08
- by Kevin
Of all the greatest guitarists in the world, have you ever wondered who you are most like? This quiz isn't all inclusive, but…
- What Guitarist Stereotype Are You?
- Sep 19, '10
- by Mike G.
Here is a quiz for Guitarists and their stereotype counterpart. Guitar players come in different shapes and we all are…
- What Guitar Are You?
- Jul 6, '08
- by Nitai
"What is my skill level?" isn't so frequently asked. "What guitar should I buy?" is. A guitar should be selected according to…
- What bass for you?
- Apr 18, '08
- by Greg
Stuck for what to buy bass wise? Bedroom enthusiast or pro player this quiz is here to ADVISE. Its results are an overall…
- Are you a guitar god?
- Apr 12, '07
- by Jack 13
Through all your years of worshipping the guitar gods, you always wondered how they do that. You have sent hours listening to…
- What Are Your Guitar Skills At?
- Feb 21, '08
- by Jed Shaver
Would you consider yourself a great guitarist, well let's find out what your true skills are on the axe. Maybe you'll find out…
- Which Jackson Guitar Are You?
- Jan 27, '07
- by Steven
What type of Jackson guitar are you? Find Out. There are four different Jackson guitars in this quiz. Jackson King V, Jackson…
- Which Guitar Brand Are You?
- Jul 23, '08
- by ryan
There are many devoted rock fans who do not know what guitar brand they are. This is a sad tragedy. Many metal fans do not know…
- What Kind Of Guitar Would You Own?
- Jan 21, '07
- by mikey
Their are many great guitarists, But many do not know which guitar best fits them. They play the wrong guitar and don't know…
- What Guitar Company Suits You Best?
- Jan 15, '10
- by Izzy
There are MANY guitar companies out there. There are some set for metal or rock or country or blues or jazz but there is never…
- How Good Are You At Guitar?
- Jan 27, '07
- by the guy who made it
Ok so some people think they're so good at guitar and they are really self-centered and stuff like that. But very few will…
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