Sustained Discrimination

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Many of us have never experienced discrimination based on our skin colour or gender. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) women, are disadvantaged and discriminated against on a daily basis for things that most of us take for granted, i.e. raising our children, going shopping, who we associate with, etc,. These are some of the issues ATSI women face, discrimination and criticism on a daily bases based on their heritage, appearance and generational stereotypes.

Get yourself familiar with the Acts and policies that govern Australian society when it comes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly women.

Created by: Julie Rain Tracey Sherry Elise
Personality Test
  1. In response to the lack of legal access to Aboriginal women; who wrote, "˜rape is not as seriously regarded in the Aboriginal community as it is in the non-Aboriginal community?
  2. What group, embodying the "˜Malparara Way' utilises one Indigenous and one non-Indigenous person to represent aboriginal women in 26 communities to break down discriminatory barriers?
  3. Research suggests that racial rejection and sustained discrimination results in one (1) primary emotive response.
  4. Where did the theory of white superiority stem from, in regard to historical theories?
  5. According to Broome (2010), for what purpose of the not so uncommon practice of confining woman was occurring on the Ardock Station in Queensland in 1900?
  6. As stated by Fozdar, Wilding, & Hawkins (2009), which historical payment had been denied to Indigenous women, {as they were seen as not bearing the nation's children}?
  7. After European Settlement Indigenous women became targets for what by settlers?
  8. Which international organisation claims that Indigenous women are the most susceptible in the world to experience compounded discrimination which includes race, gender, age and disabilities?
  9. Named by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, what does the term "˜Intersectionality'refer to?
  10. Who's work suggests that "˜the analytic tools and research methods developed within white academia to understand systems and experiences of racial oppression require critical interrogation' ?
  11. By instituting dominant-culture policy around birthing rights and practices for Yolnu people, what are some of the consequences on the individual?
  12. Historically, which psychological test was used to determine Australian Indigenous peoples' level of intelligence?
  13. Which act or policy required that "˜all Aborigines shall attain the same manner of living as other Australians'?
  14. Which theory argues that whiteness is a structural feature of contemporary society in which white interests and values dominate to the point where it pervades other languages, knowledge systems and general outlook, and so is completely taken for granted?
  15. Indigenous Australians are subjected to many government acts and policies in relation to how they live and are treated. In what year did the Racial Discrimination Act come into effect?
  16. Australian anti-discrimination law at present, consists of four individual Acts of Parliament: the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, and which other act?
  17. According to Mick Gooda, discrimination within Aboriginal communities towards one another is a symptom of disadvantage and oppression that arises when the minority group works within a society that is not designed for them. This kind of discrimination is called:
  18. What role did Myrna Tonkinson give to white women during the colonisation of Australia, in relation to Aboriginal women?
  19. When talking about the colonisation of Queensland, who said, "Aboriginal women were progressively reduced to a position of extreme dehumanization in white eyes and into the lowest ranking position in the white social hierarchy'?
  20. Jennifer Nielsen claims that Australian discrimination laws have the effect of making Aboriginal women "˜disappear', as a result of not being able to see Aboriginal women as both indigenous and female. Which two cases best exemplify this?

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