Susan LightningValley

Hey I just made a quiz, I hope you guys enjoyed it I had a lot of laughs with Susan making this quiz it was so much fun and I really hope you enjoyed it :) I hope I can make more quizzes in the future and have a great night/day xoxo

Okay I literally have no clue whats going on so yeah This is my first ever quiz and I have literally no clue what to do so just please excuse me on my horrible quiz making. :).....Please D:

Created by: Idk
  1. Where does Susan Live?
  2. What school does Susan go to?
  3. What colour socks is Susan wearing on her head right now?
  4. Where was Susan born?
  5. What is Susan SSO name?
  6. Do you smell like beef?
  7. Do you smell like chicken nuggets?
  8. Did you enjoy the quiz about my beautiful Susan?
  9. Do you think you did well at this quiz?
  10. One more question... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

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