SUS quiz of amoung us

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You are cyan a tranz person and you are in the biggest crises of your life:Romance. You have to find the inposter and your one true love but who will it be?

You are worried as the time will soon come for your choice fair Crewmate. You are scared because they might come to aggresion for your hand in love. You are a happy cheerfull person.

Created by: Shara
  1. You stare at the seat next to you, empty then.."uh hi! Can I sit here?" You look at the handsome Female infrount of you. "I'm pink you?" She says. You reply "Um I'm Cyan and ..
  2. She sits down ever way and give a grim look when Red came"Hi Cyan~" He says in a dreamy voice you....
  3. The game of trust starts and you run to do your tasks. Then you get picked up it was just black youy think
  4. Once he lets you down he smiles and helps you with wires. You wonder if he likes you. He looks back and you turn away in abbaresment
  5. Red beams in fury when he sees you talking to black. His voice goes cold "What are you doing Black..." He take out a knife and give a slash at him but you block the attack.
  6. Pink arrive disapointed than ever she tends to your wound and " Cyan Who do you love...." You say
  7. Sorry it's short:(
  8. Uh sorry for this scrool to the end plshnkjhgnbiksdjfhbnihyjredgbvuyrjhedgnysrhdfgbuysrhjdgiuesrkjyugij
  9. f
  10. w

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