Survivor in death quiz

Do you love J.D. Robbs in death series. I have read many of the books closely. This quiz will test you on how closely you have read them. Let's see what you really know.

This quiz will test you on if you filled your paperwork and turned it in to the commander on time. It will also decide if you have the true skills to become a detective of the NYPSD.

Created by: Malia Greenhouse
  1. What was the last name of the family who was murdered?
  2. What was the name of the one survivor?
  3. Who is Eve's partner?
  4. Who is Eve's husband?
  5. How many perpetrators where there in the end?
  6. Where one of the perpetrators a women?
  7. Where any of the perpetrators related?
  8. What is Eve's last name?
  9. Where does the survivor stay until the case is solved?
  10. At the beginning who finds the survivor?

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