Survive If You Can.

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This quiz will tell you if you can survive living in this harsh harsh world of love. If you can pass this quiz you can probably survive alone without water food and oxygen for 28 years.

This AWESOME quiz will tell you if you can AWESOMELY survive living in this AWESOMELY harsh harsh AWESOMELY world AWESOMELY of love. If you can pass this AWESOMELY quiz you can probably survive alone without water food and oxygen AWESOMELY for 28 years.

Created by: Blake
  1. Do you want to survive.
  2. I am running towards you, What do you do?
  3. Is your name Lucia?
  4. Can You Draw.
  5. Do you read "When The World Was Ours"
  6. Are wearing you wearing a Mushroom Hoodie.
  7. Noise is calling
  8. Do you share a room with a siblling
  9. WHo is your friend
  10. watch youtubr
  11. what color is your hairn
  12. are you deppressed
  13. Are you a Furry.
  14. HDMI 1
  15. Is your naem Jacokrson
  16. What food would you prefer out of these options?
  17. What is your favorite color?
  18. do you believe everyone has a purpose?
  19. If you tripped and fell down a train track with a random kid what would you do?
  20. Do you find memes of people getting hurt funny?

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