supernatural story

There are many super natural creatures. Super natural is something that is more than natural, somehing unnaturalunnatural. (honestly idk what to write here...)

What super natural creature are YOU? Take this quiz and find out what you are! ;) (LALla ill sing a song for you LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA.................)

Created by: Aisa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What overnatural creatur would you like to be?
  2. What power would you like to have?
  3. So youre in school, you see a bunch of bullies in the hall who kicks and punches a girl, she is bleeding and the bullies just laugh. What do you do?
  4. Which one of theese movies/series is you fav?
  5. Someone saw you use magic/drink blood/talk to wolves and she/he runs away, what do you do?
  6. Youre at home, watchinc tv and you feel someone behind you but before you get to react, BOM he/she hits you with something hard on your head and you pass out. (he/she is that dude that saw you earlier)
  7. You wake up in a dark room. A boy turns on the lights. You see that youre sitting on a chair, but cant move. The boy comrs closer to you. He is tall, blue eyes, dark spiky hair, kind of tan, he walks to you and kisses you (if youre a boy, then he is gay) what do u think/say?
  8. He continus to make out with you then he wisspreres: i saw what you did earlier. You have a gift that ive been dreaming about my whole life. Please share youre gift with me. Then i will continue to kiss you, every day.
  9. Which ones your fav?
  10. Can you plz follow me on insta?? :3 and im really sorry if i missspelled anything in this quiz, my english is nog goodgood btw my instagram is _vampires_forever_
  11. Ok.. So lets have a little chat
  12. Wazzup?
  13. Are u...
  14. Did you enjoy this quiz? (sorry if it was too bad, it is mh first one so..)

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