Superhero Knowledge

People in this quiz should win and nopt lose. This quiz is the easiest I have ever made. Do it and win. I will have to sick a merc named Deadpool on you. And if you beat him, you'll be facing WOLVERINE.

You kicked butt. This is an awesome quiz and I totally, totally, totally, totally, totally think you did it. You totally destroyed the grading level of this quiz. Think about it.

Created by: BAT

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are Thor's two names?
  2. What is the name of Peter Parker's clone?
  3. Who is DC comic's fastest hero?
  4. What is the name of Thor's hammer?
  5. What order is Roy Harper's superhero aliases?
  6. Who was the second Reverse Flash, (NOT RIVAL)?
  7. Which MARVEL superhero was originally published as Timely Comics?
  8. Who is Clark Kent married to?
  9. What was the Mauler Twin's first appearance?
  10. What is the name of Hellboy's fish friend?
  11. Where does Dr. Strange live?
  12. What are the Batman's in order of appearance?
  13. Who voiced Spider-Man in the 2003 animated series: Spider-Man: The New Animated Series?
  14. Who wants to play Wonder Woman in the new live action movie?
  15. Who is Pietro Maximoff's sister?
  16. Who did Joker kill?
  17. Who first appeared in Tales of Suspense #39?
  18. Who's logo is an atom bomb sign?
  19. What is the order of Invincible's girlfriends?
  20. What is Brit's real name?

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