Summer's Happiness part 1

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This is a GIRLS ONLY story thingy. I got my inspiration from sunny101, and sunny, I'm really sorry if I offended you by stealing your stuff a bit... :(

I hope you enjoy and please comment!!!!! Especially sunny101!!! And please rate it too!! And I won't mind some pointers and tips either!!! Thanks you all!!!

Created by: Kcat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Its finally the last day of school!! Summer break here you come!!!! Its after school and you are walking home from the bus stop. You're almost to your home. You open the back door to your house with your set of keys. You know that you're home alone-like usual. Your parents are...
  2. You find a note on the counter that says: 'Be home soon, Dads not coming home tonight, maybe next week.... Love you, Mom.' "Ugh," you groan. "Again? When will he ever come home?" Your back aches as you head upstairs to your room. You lay on your bed when your phone goes off, its ur ex-BF! His txt said: 'I want another chance! i luv u not her!!!' you know that her reffered to Miranda, an evil SUPER popular boyfriend stealer who your ex-BF (Jake is his name) was caught making-out with!
  3. You are about to txt him when your mom comes in "Hey sweety, how does your back feel?" "Like somebody just sabotaged it!" Your mom frowns in disapointment. "Well how 'bout you try and sleep a little before dinner?" you look at her and reluctantly nod. Then you..
  4. You wake up to a black and gold room. The floor is wood and is almost completely covered with a black rug with gold music notes. Furnishing the room is a gold half cirlcle hanging chair, a black couch, a gold hi-tech stereo, and black and gold stools. The bed frame is black and the bed spread is gold. You cover yourself with the gold bed spread as you hear voices...
  5. Four guys come in, three are 18 and the fourth looks 30ish. "Hey I'm Mason, welcome!" Said the first who was tall, masculine and had cute blonde hair and a perfect smile. But his eyes were so ocean blue and you'd get lost in them. "S'up? I'm Taylor!" Said a guy who wasn't so tall but still good sized and buff. He had chocolate brown hair with eyes to match. And his smile could make you happy for the rest of the day. "And I'm Kasey." Said the third who was even shorter than Austin, but he looked good and was ripped. He had dishwater blonde hair that just was charming. He also had hazil eyes and a beautiful smile. The younger guys were tan and HOT!!! But the older guy wasn't really. What hair he had left was black and his eyes were dark and unattractive. His smile was yello and crooked. Then he finally said "And, ah, Hello, I, ah, am, ah, John, ah, ah, ah... Well, ah, I, ah, must, ah, be going, ah, good bye!" He left immediately. He was fat and old-fashioned and was as white as a store-bought egg. "I guess you want to take a shower, and for the record we didn't see you with any clothes missing, this is the first time I've seen you... You can find us downstairs in the kitchen which is to your left." Mason was kind of akward, and then they left. You are kinda confused about it, but then when you get out of bed and look in the mirror you are in your intimates...
  6. You take a shower and find that in a walk-in closet are tons of clothes that are all your size!!! You decide to pick out...
  7. After some wandering you find your way downstairs to the kitchen table. "You look nice." Says Mason. "No, she looks really nice!" Says Taylor trying to out-do Mason. "No guys, she looks hot!" Says Kasey with the same intentions. You laugh at the new experience of being minorly fought over!!! "Here have some breakfast and I'll explain everything." "Alright, but why did I where is my clothes and why were they taken off?" You say as you grab some stuff to eat. "Well _________ (Spaces mean your name), The girl fairies went and got you and gave you some special lotion for your wings so they won't hurt as badly when they some through. So," "What?" You interupt. "Fairies? Isn't that make belive?" "That's what people think, but you are a fairie." Mason explains. "Then why isn't my mom a fairy?" "Because, she's not your real mom. Your mother died giving birth to you, and your father died months later from stress that had brought sickness. Your mother adopted you, she is a close friend of your real mother, and decided to take on that responsobility. Your other father was also friends with your real parents. But heres the thing, your parents were fairy royalty. Since your wings are coming in, it's time that you choose a husband to be the king." You get up from the table and leave to take a walk. Your so confused! You feel the pain in your back grow rapidly and rapidly, you feel bumps starting to come into form in your back! The pain becomes unbearable and you lash out screamming at the top of your lungs!!!!
  8. So how do you like it so far?
  9. Which guy do you like so far?
  10. Will you come back for part 2?

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