Subhuman/Degeneracy test

Quiz about how subhuman you are or not This website is requiring me to fill this paragraph with 150 characters, so you don't need to read this at all!

You don't need to read this. No, you don't need to read this at all. Don't read this or you are a subhuman scum. If you read this, then your results don't matter anyway

Created by: /pol/tard
  1. Gender
  2. Food
  3. Soyboy
  4. Masculinity
  5. Obsessions
  6. Work out/physical work
  7. Girlfriend
  8. Sexuality
  9. Cucked 1
  10. Cucked 2
  11. Video games
  12. Internet addiction
  13. Anime
  14. SJW
  15. Nerd
  16. TV
  17. Social awkwardness
  18. p u ssy
  19. Crybaby
  20. Drug, smoking, alcohol addiction

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