Student Leadership Compass

Just as each person has a unique background and personality, everyone has a different leadership style. This personality quiz will tell you what your leadership style is according to something called the Leadership Compass.

Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Personality Compass was developed by Diane Turner and Thelma Greco after deciding that human character can be divided into four distinct types – North, South, East and West. You can work out YOUR personality type from the questionnaire below, and discover the key to your own needs, likes, dislikes and behavior. You can even learn how to get along better with other people by understanding their nature as well.

Created by: Nate
  1. If you were on a committee to plan the school Prom, for which role would you want to be responsible?
  2. If you worked at a school, what job would you want?
  3. Do you find yourself saying/thinking "If you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself?"
  4. Which types of classroom assignments to you prefer?
  5. How do you usually help in group decision making?
  6. Would you describe yourself as competitive?
  7. Which word resonates with you most?
  8. How do you make most of your personal decisions?
  9. Which statement best describes you?
  10. Do you enjoy exploring and experimenting when trying to solve a problem?
  11. Which word do you relate to most?
  12. When working on a group project, I am best at:
  13. When making a decision, do you prefer to look at data and past information?
  14. Which word describes you best?
  15. If you were involved in the school play, what role would you want to do?
  16. Which word do you relate to most?
  17. When learning new things I prefer to:
  18. Do people regularly get offended at how you say things even though it wasn't your intention to offend?

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