Strauberryjam Quiz

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Strauberryjam is a minecraft youtuber. He has many fans who absolutely adore him. I really hope you try this quiz to test how much you know about Strauberryjam! Straub, I hope you take this :D

Do you know lots about strauberryjam? Do you have the brains to get 100% on this quiz? If you take this quiz, you will be asked some tough and some easy questions about strauberryjams life in minecraft and life outside of minecraft.

Created by: noodlekwinn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Strauberryjams name?
  2. What was the color of his FIRST house in the FIRST Cube SMP?
  3. What was his first shop on the Cube SMP season 1?
  4. What was his first shop on the Cube SMP season 2?
  5. Who did he live with before they both moved out?
  6. Where does he live?
  7. What has been happening at his wool shop?
  8. How many votes in total did he have when he became king?
  9. What happened to his supercharged creeper?
  10. Why did some of the cube members put ATMs all over his land?

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