STORYQUEEN ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!! To all story lovers!

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Right! I'm Storyqueen, the author of 'Dream Love Tale'! I'm writing a new story soon, but I'm not giving up DLT yet! (Ok, I'll never give it up!) But, I need your help...

I NEED YOU TO MAKE CHARACTERS FOR ME!!! Just fill in the form on question 8 and send it in the comments! The first 10 will be in the new story! The story'll be out around about the 29th of Jan, 12! Storyqueen, over and out! [~*~*~]

Created by: storyqueen
  1. Hey Story Lovers! I'm Storyqueen, the author of 'Dream Love Tale'! Ok, I have a few announcements to say!
  2. Firstly, for those's who've taken 'Dream love Tale', I will try and make part 3 soon! I hope that the explanation quiz helped!
  3. Secondly, I am trying to write a new story! This one will be less confusing than DLT, and more exciting!!! I just need your help!
  4. If you want to help, please copy and paste question 8 into the comments and fill out the info!
  5. This will be for a character you can make! You can tell me every detale about them! Just post it into the comments! :D
  7. Ok! Also, this new story will be epic! I'm not just saying that; it will be! If you have any suggestions to help me, please comment them!
  8. The first 10 characters to be posted to me before two weeks from now (28th Jan!) will be in the story! So, you better hurry!
  9. The new story will be out on the 29th! If it isn't, you can all personally make a quiz insulting me! That's how much I care that you lot enjoy my work!
  10. Ok, I should juts say goodbye now! Well, it's not really goodbye; I'll be back soon! ;) So then, if you want a chance for your ideas to be in a story, and your name to be famous, just comment! Storyqueen, over and out! [~*~*~]

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