Store 119- How Staters Are You?

There are many who work at Staters 119, but few who know it well. Those who have been with us for a number of years, or even months, will know all the answers in a flash...Mostly those who have been there the last 6 months or so. You'll catch on. How much do you REALLY know about your Stater Bros?

How much WERE you paying attention the last time you were at work? Test yourself to see what knowledge you have gained socially while at work, you'll be surprised at your results!

Created by: Kayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you work at Staters, what position do you have?
  2. How many times have you emptied the outside trash cans?
  3. What is the renoun and infamous "makeout place" of Store 119?
  4. Who would you say is the most attractive of the following?
  5. Which of the box people is the shortest?
  6. Where do you find the raisins?
  7. Who is your favorite manager?
  8. Which Red-Apron is going into the military?
  9. Who is your favorite CSR?
  10. What is your favorite part about Staters?

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Quiz topic: Store 119- How Staters am I?