steve saga knowledge test

hello to all the people who are reading this. just to let you know that this is my first quiz and it turns out that it is harder than it looks. And I hope that someday FavreMySabre will do this quiz

I am a girl who has fallen in love with the steve saga ever since he start of 2019! I have loved mineraft and have played for a few years, I write fanfictions an if you want to check them out then go to wattpad and look for the profile 'ItsElementalSteve'. read all of those stories then go to another account named 'Magic_Has_Its_Ways'

Created by: ItsElementalSteve
  1. what is the name of the steve that created memory steve
  2. how many VR videos has Sabre done in the steve saga
  3. in the rainbow town ( steve temple ) Sabre had three steves in machines what were their names
  4. what is FavreMySabre's real name (kind of steve saga related)
  5. how many steves are there in the ENTIRE steve saga?
  6. what was rainbow steve favourite choice of weapon
  7. what type of steve did nightmare steve first absorb
  8. what order where reverse steves colours
  9. how many dimensions were shown in the steve saga (including the catacombs)
  10. how did elemental steve die (possible spoiler for people who haven't gotten up to this part)

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