Starter Pokemon

This quiz will give you your pokemon starter of Fire, Water, and Grass. Including pokemon like Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic.

Starter pokemon are the pokemon that trainers get to choose from to start their adventure. There are different starter pokemon in every regions. You get your starter pokemon at the research lab.

Created by: Finley
  1. What is you favorite?
  2. If you were a pokemon where would you live?
  3. Do you like Strong or Fast pokemon
  4. If you were a pokemon what region would you live in?
  5. If there was a natural disaster what would you do?
  6. Do you like dogs?
  7. Do you like cats?
  8. Do you like Birds?
  9. What time would you wake up on a Sunday?
  10. What is your favorite time of day?

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